Monday, September 14, 2009

Almost Forgot...

to post!
I'm a little tired, so this one will be on the short side.
So what have I been doing this week, OTHER than drinking?

- actually doing homework
- switching majors
- making delicious treats, like apple pie and cookies
- crazy visits to Sonic
- working

Notice I posted working twice. That is because I work more than I go to school now, haha. And yet my money is slowly dwindling thanks to being paid bi-weekly now. But I can get adjusted too it.
Lucky for me, a lot more awesome and nice customers have been coming in. But I'll get into that later, when I'm actually more awake.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Back At School

I never realized how much I missed it!
Let's see, in the short span of a week...

- moved in, met the suite mates, who are pretty much AWESOME,
- cooked my first dinner alone of sauteed peppers and chicken over brown rice,
- played an epic hour long game of Uno with said room mates, which resulted in screaming, laughing, and getting back at others for made us pick up two or four cards,
- hung out with the boys (and my "brother" Kevin), who had a "no pants night" on Thursday and left me feeling awkward (and not able to take off my pants, as I was not in comfy boy shorts)
- started learning the ropes at work
- had a girl's night out at a bar, played the designated driver but still had a blast,
- awesome.

yeah, all in one week. Today, my parents visit, and my room mate and I are going to go get some Glo fish, which are fish that actually glow. HOLY SHIT.
Tomorrow, the boyfriend visits, who is finally back from Hawaii.

Now, a story from work...
Yesterday was only my second day, and business was crap, so I ended up going home an hour early. Before this happened, I ended up dealing with one of those customers. In my part of retail, its the bratty, bitchy girls who brings in their poor, sweet mothers to go shopping.
She wanted yoga pants.
She got them.
Then proceeded to ask for a fitting room and slam the door after me. Ohh great.
So her mom found some more that she thought she may like, and asked me to bring them to her because if she did, she would throw a fit. So I brought them. The girl told me she liked the small ones she was wearing, hated the ones in my hands, and slammed the door. Wonderful. This was all after looking at me like I was a piece of trash because I worked there and I was bigger than her by like maybe one size. So she finally comes out, her mom behind me, shoves the pants she doesn't want at me and says "I DON'T need these, thanks," in the rudest way possible. My temper was a little flared, but thank god that was it, I left soon after that, but not without her staring at me like I was trash the whole time because she wasn't first in line.
I love my job.
No really, I do. I get the awesome customers too.